Wesley Hospital – AS4187 Compliance Works
Client: Uniting Care Health
Project: 451 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower, QLD
Completion Date: January 2021
Completion Time: 12 Months
Value: $3 Million
The Wesley is a prestigious private hospital owned by UnitingCare Health, offering leading health care services to its patients. This project involves updating the Hospital’s Central Sterilization (CSSD) and Operating Theatres in order to comply with recently amended Australian Standards. Delivered over five stages, Icon has a long history delivering works for the Hospital and also for UnitingCare Health. Extreme care is required throughout the project as staff, visitors and patients have continued access to the hospital while the project is under construction. Our project team understands that construction is required to be sensitive to the needs of patients in terms of operating hours and noise, and aware that any services interruptions required is carefully planned with Hospital staff. Vibrations for nearby surgery areas, maintaining constant access for ambulance ingress and egress, and maintaining the ‘good public relations’ values of the hospital were all paramount in our approach to this project.