La Trobe University Sports Park
Client: La Trobe University
Value: $15 Million
La Trobe University Sports Park construction included demolition of the existing sports pavilion and provision of temporary facilities in preparation for the new and exciting interior and exterior build. The construction included a new soccer pitch and an AFL standard football oval with match lighting. Careful focus was placed on maximising re-use of materials from old. Works included: Demolition of the existing Sports Pavilion and provision of temporary facilities including lunchroom and change room facilities, ablution block, accessible toilets and DDA compliant access ramps and walkways; New Sports Pavilion including change rooms and sports amenities, club-rooms and function room as well as switch rooms and a plant room New senior AFL oval and synthetic soccer pitch including feld of play lighting; Salvage and relocation of existing cricket nets including two new natural turf wickets and two new artifcial turf wickets; Salvage and relocation of the existing substation components including the 750kVA transformer, 3-Way RMU and main LV switchboard located in the existing Sports Pavilion and installation of these electrical components in the new Pavilion; and Installation and commissioning of a new 4-Way RMU;