Hangar 410 Refurbishment Works
Client: Commonwealth of Australia
Project: Amberley, QLD
Completion Date: September 2020
Completion Time: 17 Months
Value: $14 Million
This project is currently being delivered in a two staged process at the RAAF Base in Amberley, QLD. The project consists of the following: Repairing the hangar area floor and provide new floor drainage, modification of the existing fire rated wall between the Hangar and Northern Annex Areas. Modification of the side walls and hangar doors, the provision of a new fire water supply and storage system, provide new drainage for a floor collection system with pollutant traps and capture tank, provide a new fire detection and fire suppression System, replace the in-floor earthing points, upgrade general and emergency lighting to the hangar area and replace aircraft maintenance power supplies. The project is currently underway, and is due for completion in June 2020.